Kruiden & Astrologie

ALOE VERA: Jupiter/Pluto

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ALOE VERA , Jupiter/Pluto in Aries

Aloe Vera is a very well known wound healing herb which also can be ingested internally.  It has been in use medicinally for at least 4000 years. Nowadays commercial products remove the aloine, because of FDA regulation. Using  Aloë Vera as a laxative needs the aloine though, and then you would have to drink the juice straight from the plant (which you can easily cultivate in your own home). Aloë Vera juice is great for many things, you can buy it everywhere, but you need to test it for yourself, as people react quite diverse on its intake.

Applied externally (the gel-version) is good for 1-2 degree burns, for herpes, psoriasis and fungal infections (Aloë vera kills off the bacteria).

Ingesting it juice internally is said to be good for diabetes as it apparently lowers bloodsugarlevels.  I tested it a little, and it does seem to reduce it by 1 point after a few hours.

In the case of a stomach-ulcer Aloë Vera could also be of good service.

Toothpaste with aloë vera is supposedly great against plaque (or do some of its juice on your normal toothpaste).

Aloë Vera is anti-inflammatory, helps with internal pain, is supposed to alleviate itching, is skin-regenerative, stops viruses, it detoxifies and kills bacteria (it does help with renewing the good bacteria).  It strengthens the immune-system, heightens your tolerance for allergies, normalizes stomach-acidity, helps the intestinal flora. What Aloë Vera does is something very important, it helps your body to cure itself. Jupiter/Pluto is the strongest healing combination I can think of in view of the planets, and many people consider Aloe Vera a miracle cure preventing them from ever having to visit a doctor again. A ‘miracle”medicine and turning your body from illness to health definitely is Jupiter/Pluto. But I also need Mars or Aries, for its regenerative power, and the sharp pointed leaves, so it is Jupiter/Pluto in Aries for now. Jupiter/Pluto also is the combination in cases of cancer-cures, and Aloe Vera certain can help in those cases, it also alleviates the side effects of chemo.  And it is said to be quite functional in cases of AIDS and M.S., because it strengthens the immune-system.

Aloë Vera can furthermore be used in cases of asthma, arthritis, obesity, anemia, depression and sleeplessness, and it can lower cholesterol.

So having an Aloë Vera plant in your home or garden can do no harm, although the gel for external and the juice for internal use can be bought easily in healthfoodshops, or buy it on your holidays in Madeira or Arizona:-)  As a pot plant Aloe Vera is easy to cultivate, make sure it gets enough sunlight and do not water the plant too often (it keeps the water in the leaves). To get its juice cut one of the lower leaves:


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